Natural Remedies For Your Hair

Our hair can say a great deal about our state of health, but it is also part of our personality and one of the most important physical assets for both men and women. Taking care of it should be not only part of personal hygiene, but also a beauty ritual that is both natural and beneficial. Having oily hair can be both unpleasant and socially awkward, but fortunately there are many easy remedies that can solve this problem.

1) Egg yolk and lemon conditioner. Wash your hair normally and then apply a conditioner made out of lemon juice and egg yolks. What you need to do is mix 2-3 egg yolks with the juice from 1 lemon. Apply this mask on your washed hair and leave it on for 15 minutes. Then wash your hair with lukewarm water and don’t use a hair-dryer if possible. Or you can try this egg and yogurt hair mask for dandruff.

2) Beer miraculous hair recipe. This is a very simple recipe that uses only one ingredient, beer, and that works wonders on oily hair, but also on dandruff and scalp flaking. Boil one cup of beer until you are left with ¼ cup. Let the boiled beer cool down, and then mix it with what is left of your normal shampoo. Use this combo to wash your hair and you will see some amazing results. Your hair will also become more manageable and easy to style.

3 Cloves and lemon mask. This is another simple and effective hair mask for oiliness issues. Take 4 lemons and 4 cloves. Cut the lemons in small pieces and let them boil in one liter of water (33 fl oz) along with the cloves. Boil them until most of the water evaporates, and you obtain a gelatinous substance. Let it cool down and use it as a mask after you have washed your hair, covering your head with a towel. Leave it on for 15 minutes and then rinse your hair with lukewarm water.

4) Yogurt and honey mask. This is a refreshing and nourishing mask for all types of hair, but it is especially recommended for oily hair. Mix one cup of yogurt with one tablespoon of honey, until you obtain a paste. Massage your scalp gently with this paste and leave the mask on for 20 minutes. Then wash your hair with a mild shampoo using lukewarm water. Yogurt contains lots of lactic acid that gets rid of oiliness, while nourishing your skin and increasing collagen production, so this mask can also be used on your face as an anti-aging remedy.

5) Mint tea in your shampoo. If you have some mint leaves this is a very easy remedy for oily hair. Put one handful of mint leaves in 2 glasses of water and let them boil for 20 minutes. Let the liquid cool down and then mix this with your shampoo, then use this every time you wash your hair. Mint leaves have astringent properties that can get rid of excessive oiliness and regulate sebum production.

Besides using all these wonderful remedies, you should also consider using a certified organic shampoo that has a proper pH level. Another secret ingredient that can be used on oily hair is fresh aloe vera. If you have an aloe vera plant at home, you can use its leaves to create a perfect nourishing mask for your hair that can also treat oiliness issues.

Natural Weight Loss Supplements

If you are scared or terrified about the bad side effects of weight loss pill but badly need to lose weight, why not try the natural weight loss supplements? Natural weight loss supplements are made from plant and herbs and can be bought over-the-counter.

Some of the popular and relatively safe natural weight loss supplements are Guarana, Dandelion and various Herbal Diuretic. These natural Suplementos para bajar de peso act as natural diuretic. They can aid in weight loss by decreasing body water. Guarana can hasten the brain’s activity to tell us that we are already full and it also has as diuretic effect.

However, since these natural weight loss supplements are not regulated by FDA, consumers who are taking these should observe moderation because excessive water loss will lead to dehydration. Likewise, people with medical conditions such as asthma, high blood pressure and allergic reactions should consult their medical doctor first.

How Do Weight Loss Supplements Work?

Our market is flooded with all sorts of weight loss supplements whether you visit the internet or go in local drug stores or beauty shops: prescription diet pills, over-the-counter weight loss pills and herbal weight loss pills; weight loss supplement pills are indeed a multi-billion product all over the world.

But do these weight loss supplements really work? How? I will not dare to discuss the scientific facts of weight loss supplements because I know is that weight loss supplements claim to contain substances that alter the chemical reactions of our system in various ways such as dissolving fats, improving metabolism or suppressing our appetite to loss some weight.

The efficacy of weight loss supplements depend on the users and none of the available weight loss supplements produce same results in all people who took them. So before taking any weight loss supplement, look for actual feedbacks and if you have any illness or medical condition, it is a must that you consult your doctor first as all weight loss supplements contain some substances that can affect our blood pressure and heartbeat rate.

Safe abortion tips

How to decide what is best for you?

Find an abortion clinic in Singapore that can make the process easy for you. Ask relatives or friends who might have undergone an abortion lately at a health clinic or hospital which provides legal abortion services. This will help you find a reliable Abortion Singapore clinic who will take care of the entire process and perform the abortion legally. Once this is done, talk to the clinic to get all related details. Ask for details like the number of visits you will need to make to the clinic, and if someone can accompany you or not. Do not forget to ask if you have to take any special precautions. Also, ask the total charges of the process before getting it done so you know how much money you will need to carry with you.

Know what to expect

Visit your abortion clinic after taking an appointment so that you can tell him how many weeks pregnant you are, and why you need to get the abortion done. It is important to know what kind of a procedure he is going to use to carry out the abortion, and the risks involved in it. Make sure that someone will be accompanying you on the day you get the abortion done. Set a date which is convenient to you and start preparing yourself for the abortion from the very first appointment itself.

After-care and support

After the abortion is carried out, you might experience some bleeding or cramping but this will subside in a few hours and if it doesn’t, you should go meet your abortion clinic again. Eat healthy, take a lot of rest and also stay in the company of loved and dear ones once you are back home so that you can recover both mentally and physically soon.

A good optician

A good optician is certainly one who can detect what is wrong with a person’s eyes. Whether or not he/she requires simple eye drops, glasses or maybe even surgery is something only a good optician can decide after a proper and thorough eye examination. Most eye doctors carry out basic tests in order to arrive at the problem at hand.

When visiting an optometrist, a patient can always tell whether or not the doctor is a good one. There are certain procedures every optician carries out in order to ensure the systematic approach toward eye care. Some of these procedures include:

– Asking/checking whether or not the patient has ever worn glasses. If you go to only one optician, he is likely to know this.

– He must check to see whether or not you are a candidate for glasses and/or lenses. There are some people who are not able to wear glasses or their eyes are not as weak as they usually are when glasses are prescribed. It is the job of the optician to figure this out.

– Every good optician without making any decision takes an eye test. This involves the patient reading alphabets varying in size, set at a distance. The patient is required to do this with his/her naked eye. The result is deciphered from the way in which the letters are read out.

– Discussing with the patient what discomfort he/she is facing

– A good optician always carries out basic tests which help him in deciding what exactly the problem is. Sometimes the eyes are just stressed out and need to be relaxed. For this the doctor might suggest eye exercises to be carried out. At other times, the problem can be bad for which the doctor needs to know exactly what is wrong.

Any good eye doctor ensures that he discusses the result of the eye test and examination with the patient. He would provide you with needs to be done and will probably recommend to you certain medications if glasses are not required. Try and see an optician whom you are comfortable with and who treats you well.

There are many people in the world’s population who suffer from eye problems. Most people get affected by eye problems because of carelessness however there are certainly some problems which are inherited and may be part of a person’s genetic makeup as explained on Healthy Body Healthy Mind website. Neither of these is a good sign which is why regular checkups with an optician are recommended to people, particularly young children and the elderly.

4 books of Yoga

Yoga sutras Patanjali consist of 4 books; Samadhi Pada, Sadhana Pada, Vibhuti Pada and Kaivalya Pada. Samadhi Pada explain the basic of yoga. It is about the disciplines of yoga. As we know, yoga is all about mind and body. There are 3 criterias required in yoga practice, poses, breathe and also concentration. This is how we can re-establish the connection back to our bodies. Therefore this can be the most important and basic philosophy of the Yoga sutras Patanjali. Without these, yoga will be no different from other exercises.

The second book, Sadhana Pada, is about Kriya Yoga and also the eight limbs of yoga first described. The word Sadhana is practice in Sanskrit. Basically, this book is also about practice. Enlightenments and awareness of our being is the ultimate purpose in Krisya Yoga. This form of yoga is often practice by monk. Therefore, it is also often been related to Buddhism and Hindu.

Vibhuti is the word in Sanskrit for power. There are so many abilities described in the text that seem impossible to us now. But in fact Vibhuti Pada emphasizes to achieve full awareness of our bodies and awake of all senses. With the awareness, we can synchronize with the energy around us and achieve unity with the universe.

Kaivalya Pada, the book for isolation and freedom, is the last book in Yoga Sutras. How the mind works and the structure of it, is discussed in this book. All the physical being is manifest from our minds. Looking pass the physical being, we are just a pure consciousness of mind. This concept is very similar to law of attractions but it was told thousands years ago.

I have to emphasize here that yoga is not any exercise. The knowledge and wisdom behind all the poses is deep. It is design not only for our bodies but also for our minds. Maybe not everyone would like to achieve enlightenment now, but yoga practice will helps you to feel all your sensation again, reconnect you to your body and nature.