Filing a patent is our society’s way of making certain the first one to “act” on new marketable concepts get the credit. You have come up with a new product or a technological advance that fills a need and patent filing gives you the exclusive rights.
The United States Patent and Trademark Office aka USPTO strictly enforces the multitude of rules and regulations for the patent application process. The recommended choice to file your patent application is to attain the services of a patent attorney or an agency such as Invent Help, but there are submission services, and software that allow you to do it yourself.
That choice usually boils down to money, but making sure this is done correctly could be the best investment you can make. No matter which angle you take for filing patents, the process, paperwork, or timetables don’t change.
Here are the steps for patent filing:
Determine If Your Invention Is Patentable
The first step to filing a patent involves whether your invention is patentable. It must fit into one of three categories for types of patents: utility, design, or plant. Then it must also meet three prerequisites: novelty, non-obviousness, and utility. Everything is not patentable and you want to find out early in the process before investing time and resources. It is best to hire professionals do this for you as stated on Invent Help reviews.
Perform A Patent Search
The next step for the invention and filing a patent involves performing a patent search. You want to see if someone else has beaten you to the punch. It is a very good chance somebody has patented your idea already but we hope not and that we are completely unique. The USPTO patent search database where you just enter your search term for your invention and are supplied results with full text and images.