What are the important things to remember when doing a garage door spring replacement?
If you decide to fix a broken garage door spring on your own, here are some useful tips that you can utilize in order to avoid accidents and make your job a lot easier. Remember, replacing a garage door spring is a highly dangerous and complicated task. It would be better if you can get the help of a professional Indianapolis garage door company.
Take all of your cars outside the garage
A lot of people get hyped up thinking about how to fix their broken garage door springs. Because of this, cars that are inside the garage are usually forgotten (if your garage door closes down because of broken springs, lifting it up manually is very difficult). If you want to make sure that your cars aren’t locked in inside your own garage, take them out before working on replacing a broken garage door springs.
Turn off your garage door opener
This is the simplest (and most overlooked) step that you must ALWAYS do before you even start doing your garage door spring replacement. You don’t want to add more trouble by opening your garage door opener while you fix your torsion springs. Remember, you cannot control the tension when the springs of your door is broken. Before you even start doing anything, turn off and unplug your garage door openers first.
List all of your garage door’s information
How many panels does your garage door have? What is the size of your garage doors? Is your garage door made of steel, aluminum or wood? These information are important because it can help you assess the kind of garage door springs that you need to purchase for your garage door spring replacement project. List all of your garage door’s information on a piece of paper and remember to bring it with you the moment you go the hardware to purchase a garage door spring replacement.
Check for these
- Spring Length
- Inside Diameter
- Garage Door Spring Thickness
To make sure that you won’t be purchasing the wrong garage door spring replacement for your broken garage door, remember to measure these three important things.