
Solar Energy and Efficiency

Those who have not studied the subject or who have not followed the news over the last decade will resort to claims that solar energy is actually less efficient than coal-fired or gas generators. In its infancy, the solar cell was less efficient over the lifetime of the cell. It cost more in energy and resources to produce than what it generated. However, as the field of research has grown, the solar panel has become more efficient and now returns a greater value of energy than it takes to produce, deliver and install. Now is the perfect time to invest in solar.

This energy boon that harvests the sun’s ubiquitous presence creates truly clean energy, reduces ambient pollutants, and protects people from the possibility of the next Chernobyl or Fukushima by reducing the need to develop nuclear power and its resulting waste products.

Solar Energy and Costs

Until recently, solar energy has been more costly at the source than fossil fuels. Largely resulting from government subsidies, fossil fuels have had a choke hold on the energy industry. Now, however, solar runs at about the same cost to produce as fossil fuel energy sources. Even better, all of its costs are front loaded. Fossil fuels extract additional costs through health problems and environmental catastrophes that just do not occur in the solar power industry.

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