
New, Improved or Patented?

The first step is to determine if your invention or idea is entirely new, an improvement on an existing product, or a product that is already patented and needs to be marketed and licensed. For that reason it is best to hire a professional patenting agency, such as patent invention InventHelp agency.

An Entirely New Concept

A new product is something that did not exist before. It is not an improvement or change to a current product, but rather an entirely new object used to achieve a goal for which nothing is currently available. Very few inventions are “new” in this sense. Most, in fact, are “improvements” of existing ideas.

Whether it is a completely new concept, or an improvement on an existing concept, most new inventors don’t give themselves enough credit – they think that their idea is not quite good enough, or they feel that they can not proceed with their concept because they have not built a model or prototype.

Don’t sell yourself short. Only the market can determine whether your product has value. Some of the most bizarre concepts have gone on to make millions (like the “Pet Rock”).

An Improvement of an Exiting Product

Almost every invention presented to us is an improvement of an existing idea, which can be defined as any additional feature, style, color, or shape that is not available in an existing product design. The improvement may help consumers when using the product or it may allow them to use the product in additional ways. An improvement to an existing product can be as important, if not more important, than the invention of the original product.

Already Have a Patent

Many people operate under the misconception that if they already have a patent on their concept, manufacturers will find them. This is just not the case. Without putting your invention “out there” through the proper channels and in the proper ways, a patent will wind up being nothing more than an expensive decoration to hang on your wall.

If you are one of the many individuals who have invested tens of thousands of dollars in a patent without having the proper marketing campaign to accompany it, contact us immediately. Let InventHelp patent invention agency assist you through the second and equally important half of your journey.

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