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What number of security guards will you need?

It ultimately depends on your needs. So now, we can discuss when you will likely need multiple officers.

When there is a Lot of Space to Cover:

Regardless of how efficient and competent a security guard is, he cannot be in two places at a time. If an event or property has more space to cover, then multiple officers should be hired. Although you do not need an officer at every location most of the time, the officers should be able to at least patrol the complete area in a reasonable amount of time so they can respond quickly if anything serious happens.

When the Security Guard also has to do other services:

Security guards in London are often seen as general figures of authorities. They will help people with directions, find items, act as a driver and generally offer customer service. Although a trained security guard from renowned security companies in London will usually provide help, they cannot do it when they need to prioritize the security of the venue. In such a case, hiring several security guards to do different jobs, for example hiring a security driver in London will make things more relaxed while the area is still secure.

Where Eyewitness is Imperative:

For some businesses that are concerned about crimes, having many security guards is vital. Eyewitness testimony might be difficult to get from even the most trained and best individual. When there are multiple eyewitnesses, it is more likely that a criminal would be caught.

Place where a Large Group of People will gather:

Larger events generally will need multiple security guards. For 75 to 150 people, typically, you should have one officer. Particularly for sports events, you will need more. Employing multiple well-trained security guards at a place will give you peace of mind.

Time exists for when you will need just one security guard. A small business lobby of a hotel or a small event might only need one security guard. It completely depends on your specific needs.

The most critical factor in a large event is the visibility of the officers. People should know that someone with authority is watching over them to feel that the location is safe. Consequently, you must have at least enough security guards who are readily noticeable that someone can find them even in a crowd when help is needed.

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Initial Step for Inventors

The Patent Office grants the patent to the first inventor, even if he filed later than another inventor, provided that the first inventor was diligent in reducing his invention to practice and getting his application filed in a reasonable amount of time. If more than one person contributes an inventive aspect that is claimed in a patent, each must be named as a joint inventor in the application.

The U.S. also allows a one-year grace period for filing a patent application even after an invention has been publicly disclosed. But unless properly related to an earlier filed application, a US patent application cannot be legally filed if the invention had been publicly disclosed for one year or more. Also, if foreign applications are going to be filed, it is necessary to get a patent application filed before any public disclosure is made. There are good patenting agencies, such as Invent Help, to help you in the process.

A provisional patent application can be a wise strategy for preserving patent rights while delaying the costs of filing a formal patent application. Such a formal application, filed with one year of the provisional application, can use the filing date of the provisional application, provided that the matter claimed in the formal is properly supported by the disclosure in the provisional.

Provisional applications do not yield a patent or receive a search by the Patent Office, but are becoming a very popular initial step for individual inventors or small companies concerned about the costs of formal filing, and wanting to take more time to test the marketability of a new invention. There are patenting agencies that are providing help for new inventors you can consult.

Larger companies are finding that provisional filings allow temporary protection for a larger number of products while marketing opportunities are explored. During the pendency of the provisional application, the invention may be publicly disclosed and sold without damaging the right to file the formal or even foreign applications.

Only during the time that a provisional or formal application has been filed and the patent actually issues, can the invention be legally marked or described as ‘Patent Pending’.

Garage Door Repair xsewa

How to Replace a Broken Garage Door Spring

What are the important things to remember when doing a garage door spring replacement?

If you decide to fix a broken garage door spring on your own, here are some useful tips that you can utilize in order to avoid accidents and make your job a lot easier. Remember, replacing a garage door spring is a highly dangerous and complicated task. It would be better if you can get the help of a professional Indianapolis garage door company.

Garage Door Repair xsewa

Take all of your cars outside the garage

A lot of people get hyped up thinking about how to fix their broken garage door springs. Because of this, cars that are inside the garage are usually forgotten (if your garage door closes down because of broken springs, lifting it up manually is very difficult). If you want to make sure that your cars aren’t locked in inside your own garage, take them out before working on replacing a broken garage door springs.

Turn off your garage door opener

This is the simplest (and most overlooked) step that you must ALWAYS do before you even start doing your garage door spring replacement. You don’t want to add more trouble by opening your garage door opener while you fix your torsion springs. Remember, you cannot control the tension when the springs of your door is broken. Before you even start doing anything, turn off and unplug your garage door openers first.

List all of your garage door’s information

How many panels does your garage door have? What is the size of your garage doors? Is your garage door made of steel, aluminum or wood? These information are important because it can help you assess the kind of garage door springs that you need to purchase for your garage door spring replacement project. List all of your garage door’s information on a piece of paper and remember to bring it with you the moment you go the hardware to purchase a garage door spring replacement.

Check for these

  • Spring Length
  • Inside Diameter
  • Garage Door Spring Thickness

To make sure that you won’t be purchasing the wrong garage door spring replacement for your broken garage door, remember to measure these three important things.

Face Mask dewes

Best Face Masks

For top of the range comfort and effectiveness, don’t look past our N100 rated face masks, while for lower risk environments, a box of N95 masks provide excellent value for money.

Government health care sites are recommending disposable N100 rated face masks as offering the best protection against the virus.

Face Mask dewes

Valved masks, while coming at additional cost, do provide extra wearing comfort. Should you need to wear a mask for long periods of time they are highly recommended. However if you are infected and are wishing to protect family members, then only use non vented masks to stop air born distribution of the virus.

N100 verse N95 particulate respirators

What is the difference? N100 and N95 are ratings given to show the filtering capacity of a mask. These ratings are competency levels defined by NIOSH (The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health of the United States of America). A N100 mask is rated at 99.7% efficiency in filtration for particles of 0.3 microns or larger in size. Whereas N95 masks are rated at 95% efficiency for the same sized particles.

Business Law

Where to Patent an Idea

If you have an original idea that you believe merits a patent, you will need to file an application for the appropriate patent with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. This is where you can apply to patent an idea for a utility, design, or plant patent.

The United States Patent and Trademark Office falls under the U.S. Department of Commerce and its role is to grant patents to protect original inventions, as well as to register trademarks. It is responsible for preserving, classifying, and disseminating patent information, which helps our nation progress both technologically and industrially, as well as helps strengthen our economy.

People often confuse a patent with a trademark or copyright. A patent is a formal grant of a property right to the person who has an original invention. To be clear, this does not give you the exclusive right to manufacture, use, sell, or import your invention, rather it prohibits other people from manufacturing, using, selling, or importing your invention outside of the United States.

A new patent is generally good for 20 years after the date the original patent application was filed with the USPTO. Once the USPTO issues you a patent, it is your responsibility to enforce it, without their help, as they have no jurisdiction over purported infringement or enforcing your patent. Of course you can always hire professional assistance from a patent agency such as Invent Help to guide you.

People also tend to misunderstand the fact that a mere idea or suggestion cannot be patented. You must have a thorough description of the subject matter you are seeking to patent. The patent law also states with specificity that your invention must be “useful” in that it has a useful purpose, including its operativeness. Be advised that under the Atomic Energy Act, enacted in 1954, you are prohibited from patenting an invention that is to be used exclusively for utilizing atomic energy for an atomic weapon, or special nuclear material.

There are three types of patents:

A utility patent is for the original invention or discovery of a machine, process, composition of matter, or product to be manufactured, or any new improvement to any of these that you believe will prove useful.

A design patent is for the invention of any new, ornate design for an article to be manufactured, which is your original idea.
A plant patent is for the invention or discovery of an unequivocally new type of plant. You must first have asexually reproduced your new plant before applying for the patent.

The application process for utility and design patents can be accomplished online at using the EFS-Web feature, which will assist you in submitting your PDF format application documents as was very well elaborated in this article on

Business Law

Information about American patent laws

A patent can be analogized to a bargain or agreement between the inventor and the government. In return for a limited-term exclusive right to exclude others from the technology defined in the patent Claims, the inventor agrees to disclose in the patent specification information about the new invention. The inventor discloses how to make and use the invention. Upon expiration of the patent term, the exclusive rights are relinquished and unenforceable. So the gist of a patent is that in return for exclusive rights, the inventor must give up the secrecy and fully disclose the details of the invention to the public.

One frequent question is why have a patent system? Well, the patent system encourages innovation and advances the sciences. Patents help reward inventorship, promote disclosure of inventions and seek to assure that ideas in the public domain remain there for the free use of the public. In other words, the inventor is provided with exclusive rights over a limited term and in exchange educates the public about the technology so that it may be practiced by all upon the end of the patent term, as you can read from

Now let’s turn to what is patentable subject matter. In other words, what can be patented? Okay here comes a favorite quote of mine, “anything under the sun made by man” (Diamond v. Chakrabarty).

Patent Searching

The first likely question is whether someone else has already patented the inventor’s idea or an invention. An American Inventor can explore patented technologies or perform a patent search on their own to reduce initial costs and to facilitate the Inventing process. A free search of U.S. Issued Patents and Published Patent Applications may be performed by anyone with internet access by visiting the USPTO website.

Although American patents and published patent applications may be searched for free at the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), an inventor may prefer to use a registered patent attorney. A registered U.S. patent attorney can assist American Inventors in the searching process by performing a supplemental patent search or by performing the entire patent search the myself after a brief review of the technology.

Patent attorneys frequently subscribe to databases more comprehensive than the USPTO database and have experience with different patent searching techniques and strategies. So the patent attorney may be able to perform a wider patent search. A registered patent attorney can frequently search issued American patents, published American patent applications and foreign or PCT patent applications and you can read more about it from

The cost of a patent search can vary. Some patent attorneys contract with technology specialists from foreign countries and can offer the service for a few hundred dollars. Large multinational law firms have high billing rates and can charge thousands of dollars. A small patent law firm will usually charge between about $700 to $2,000 depending on the complexity of the invention. A patent search typically includes a copy of the identified reference and a letter by a registered patent attorney.


Treating Drug Addictions

Having an addiction can mean a long and difficult road to recovery. By learning about what kinds of things you can do to make this process easier, you will be able to make life more manageable and enjoyable overall. One of the most important things to realize is that while detox programs certainly have their place in addiction treatment, they should not be viewed as an ultimate solution by any means.

There are quite a few CT detox centers. While detox may help a lot with recovery and becoming drug-free long-term, it is only one step on the path to a full and meaningful life.

When you recognize the fact that detox is not the only thing you must do to beat your addiction, you are on your way. Support is going to be another part of beating the addiction that has taken hold of you for so long.

Friends and family should be notified of what you are going through so they will be able to help you through this entire process. Despite what many people think, addiction recovery takes years and is a lifelong process of taking care of one’s self. It is about finding a better way to live that is separate from drugs, alcohol, or any other stimulants that give a false sense of happiness or control.

Learning how to live without drugs is going to be the very first thing that you do. It helps to know about all of the different kinds of symptoms that one may encounter after or during the detoxing period. How long someone exhibits these symptoms depends on the person. You may not have the same reaction to detoxing as someone else, which is also important to remember.

Some of the most common side-effects of detoxing include shaking, nausea, vomiting, headaches, dizziness, and many other physical/mental symptoms that can become a problem for those who are trying to quit drugs for good.

In order to truly succeed in what you are trying to do, you will want to join a group such as Connecticut Narcotics Anonymous to help you along. There have been millions of people who have benefited from listening to others tell stories of their past and what they go through every single day.

It will help you to relate to others on a meaningful level. You will be able to have a place where you can open up completely and discuss absolutely anything with other people who have the same affliction as yourself.

While it is true that there are a lot of different drugs to become addicted to, the really important thing is seeking treatment and putting your past behind you. Building confidence and self-esteem is something else that is essential for addicts who wish to change their lives around for the better.

The more confident you are about your own abilities, the more likely you will be to succeed in this endeavor and put drugs behind you for good. In order to see real long-lasting change, you must commit yourself to a life of health and overall well-being.

Health Home

Marriage Counseling

In most marriages, from time to time there are going to be conflicts. In some cases, the disagreements will be just that – disagreements about common, every day things that come up for everyone. In other cases, however, what starts out as a disagreement will turn into an argument and will eventually grow to a place where it begins to come between the couple.

The challenge is that, while many NYC couples would find that seeking marriage counseling is something that could help them to sort out the crisis before it began, most people wait for the problems to go away. Simply put, they look at marriage counseling as something that’s for other people, something that is only meant to be there when everything else has failed to get results.

Marriage counseling NYC, however, is something that can benefit a wide variety of couples who are in a number of different situations. Those who recognize that they are facing adversity – whether the challenges that they are facing are associated with their finances or they are the result of other family stress, whether the challenges are related to health and well being or they are associated with working more – will often find that marriage counseling enables them to move beyond the conflict.

Marriage counseling gives couples the opportunity to talk out their experiences and to uncover the emotions that are fueling the problem. Marriage counseling creates neutral ground where the debate is no longer just about fighting or who is right or wrong and who is to blame, but something that can be talked through and worked out.

Simply put, marriage counseling is an opportunity to let go of the list of faults and it is an opportunity to discuss emotions, a chance to uncover the root of the problem – whatever the problem may be. Ultimately, therefore, when you begin to recognize that things are not going as smoothly as they could and when you see that there is a tension in your relationship that simply is not going away, you may want to start looking into marriage counseling.

There is no reason to let a growing disagreement gain the power to divide your relationship; with marriage counseling, many couples whose relationship seems to be on the brink of disaster are able to find themselves moving forward. Simply by acknowledging what they are feeling and by focusing on more than just the problem in neutral territory, those couples that enter into marriage counseling are likely to find that they are able to better move beyond the struggles.

Relationships are challenging; conflicts are bound to arise. By seeking marriage counseling before a difficulty takes control – by looking into marriage counseling and the role that it can play for couples – it is possible to prevent the breakup of a relationship. More importantly, with the opportunity to learn to communicate more effectively and to let go of some of the hurts, couples who seek marriage counseling often find that they are able to respond more appropriately when future conflicts arise.


Healthy Digestion

When the digestive system is stressed, conditions such as abdominal pain, increased gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, reflux, and ulcers may occur. Long standing digestive problems can lead to nutritional deficiencies causing fatigue and a compromised immune system. The saying “you are what you eat”, has some truth worth noting here. We can learn to take a proactive approach and build a diet based on wholesome foods.

These choices can promote the healing of our digestive system and prevent many common ailments before they start. Our western diet consists of a fair amount of overly processed foods that are more difficult to digest. So, how to reset your gut?

Choosing organic foods is my number one recommendation. I realize that this may not always be feasible, and if so, the digestive tract may still need help processing foods. To support your digestive tract it is recommended using digestive enzymes. Digestive enzymes are catalysts which break down foods into absorbable nutrients and play a vital role in escorting them to cells and tissue for utilization.

After consuming a meal about 50% of our body’s energy is used for digestion. This is why you feel fatigued after over indulging. Taking 1 Digest capsule with each meal will help facilitate the complete digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. This also helps the body free up energy for systems other than the digestive process.

A healthy digestive system executes two key functions. It breaks food down and expels waste. Maintaining healthy bowels is an essential part of a fit digestive system. It is recommended taking three Probiotic capsules per week to help stabilize and build a healthy intestinal environment. Many patients return to vitality by focusing on good nutritional habits and making the effort to rebuild digestive health.

Digital Painting in Photoshop waqer
Home Internet and Technology

Online Photoshop Courses Benefits

First things first, with online Photoshop courses you don’t have to leave home to get involved. You can learn everything you need to know from the comfort of your home.

This means that you are going to be picking up the finer details of each lesson from the comfort of your home. This is something that a lot of people are interested in, especially those who do not typically learn well in a traditional classroom setting.

Digital Painting in Photoshop waqer

There are different courses for different categories in Photoshop. If you are into portrait painting or digital painting for example, there are online Photoshop digital painting courses you could take.

Did you know that online Photoshop courses are often times cheaper than those that are offered by local schools? This again is something that you should keep in mind, as most people are well aware that saving money is a good thing.

There is no denying the fact that you are going to learn a lot when you get involved with online Photoshop courses. Sure, you may think that you are going to be slow to pick things up but along the way you will catch on and realize that you are on the right path. You will realize that there is nothing standing between you and learning what you truly want to know. As long as you put the time into the learning process, there is nothing that will slow you down.

There are more people than ever taking online Photoshop courses, and there are more people than ever who feel that this is best for them.